Do you want to work in the food service industry?
Soulful Kitchen Culinary & Catering offers an 8-week Food Service Training and Employment Program for individuals 16 and older who are seeking a sustainable career in the food service industry.
What does training include?
Hands on learning with Chef Instructors
8-Week Comprehensive Training Program
Kitchen Safety knowledge
Culinary Techniques
Resume Assistance
Job Search Support

Frequently Asked Questions
Who will be Eligible?
In order to be eligible for training, you must be 16 years of age or older, low income, available to train 4 days per week in person, and interested in full-time employment in the food service industry upon graduation.
How do I enroll?
Please fill out the contact form below. After completing the form, a staff member will reach out to you with dates to attend an information session held via Zoom.
How much does the program cost?
The program comes with a fee (Please fill out the form below for more information!). Throughout the training program, you will receive a pair of non-slip kitchen shoes, uniform and transportation assistance (CTA 7-day or Speedway Fuel Card).
What will I learn?
There will be lessons and resources on kitchen and knife safety, proper sanitation practices, culinary concepts, language, and techniques.
You will work with our program staff and receive career development skills ranging from resume writing to interview practice.
All participants will also receive help earning their ServSafe Certificate.
What is the training schedule like?
Monday – Thursday – 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Where is class held?
Training will occur in person, four days per week, at Kingdom Impact, 2404 Lincoln Way West South Bend Ind, 46628. The days are a mix of classroom-style learning and hands-on experience in the kitchen.
What kinds of jobs are available?
Ideally, we hope to place you in employment within 30 days of graduation. Typically, graduates of our program are placed in entry-level roles like prep or line cook, dishwasher, or porter positions.
Participants will receive training and have the opportunity to learn their ServSafe Manager/Food Handler Certificate during the program.
Additional Services
Throughout the program and after graduating, participants will have access to our team for employment services and continued resource connections.